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Oliver/ Osoyoos Search & Rescue

Welcome to the Oliver Osoyoos Search & Rescue

A 100% Volunteer Organization, the Oliver Osoyoos Search and rescue services a vast area of the South Okanagan. Our response area includes the Canada/USA border to the South, Vaseaux Lake to the North, Mount Kobau and Orofino Mountain to the West, and Conkle Lake to the east. We also provide mutual aid response to adjacent Search and Rescue teams and as requested from across the province. The team provides search and rescue services to:

• Emergency Management BC (EMBC)

• RCMP and municipal police services

• Municipal fire services

• BC Ambulance Service

• Local and regional governments during civil emergencies

Home: Welcome

Oliver/ Osoyoos Search & Rescue at a Glance

OOSAR's mission is:

1. To provide Search & Rescue service for the Emergency Management BC (EMBC) , and the RCMP.

2. To provide assistance to the Province of British Columbia, and it's governments (Provincial and Municipal) during Civil Emergencies.

3. To provide Community Education

4. To assist in Community Events

Home: Who We Are

The OOSAR team consists of approximately 30 volunteers. Members are experienced in Ground Search and Rescue operations (GSAR), Swiftwater Rescue, Avalanche Response, SAR K9 and Embankment Rescue. The team receives training and support from EMBC. Our Volunteers have varying levels of training with all members trained or being trained in GSAR.

Home: Text

The strength of the team is each individual member. The strength of each member is the team.

Phil Jackson

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